About Personal Injury Lawyers Ireland

Personal Injury Lawyers

PersonalInjuryClaims.ie is a dedicated Personal Injury website offered by McGinley Solicitors. Our Injury Claim Team represents injury victims that have been injured in an accident and are entitled to make a claim.

Get in touch today to find out more

Our Team

McGinley Solicitors are leading Personal Injury Solicitors in Ireland.

We work tirelessly representing our clients. Our core mantra is to achieve strong results for our clients, and keep the process and language as simple and straightforward for them as possible.

Start your claim today.

High Win Rates

In our decades of experience
we have some of the highest win rates in the country and we would love to help you to do the same.

Get started with our experts today.

No Win No Fee Explained

Our solicitors will explain everything there is to about No Win No Fee Claims. Solicitors are not allowed to advertise that they offer this but most do.

If in doubt, give us a call.

How Much is My Claim Worth

If you are wondering how much you may receive for your injuries, check it out on our handy chart here.

Injury Claim Calculator 

Give us a call today to start your claim with Personal Injury Claims Ireland

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